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General terms and conditions

General terms and conditions of business
Here you will find our General Terms and Conditions of DAN Group GmbH, Herrengasse 30, 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein and the Medicross and Medicross brand.
Table of contents
1. general
2. subject matter of the contract
3. conclusion of contract
4. submission
5. test execution
6. test results
7. nutrient formula
8 Warranty and liability
9. fees without revocation
10. Assignment
11. Data protection
12. Nutrition and fasting advice
13. Retention of title
14. Final provisions
If you believe it is a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.
Our tests are not a substitute for medical diagnosis by a physician or alternative practitioner and are not a substitute for medical treatment.
Diagnoses may only be made by physicians.
None of the information should be construed as a promise of success or cure.
All product images and illustrations serve as symbol images.
§ 1 General
1.1. Dan Group GmbH, with its registered office at Herrengasse 30, 9490 Vaduz Liechtenstein, is an entrepreneur within the meaning of Art. 1 para. 1 Bst. a KSchG
– hereinafter referred to as “Medicross”.
Medicross is a registered word mark of DAN Group GmbH.
1.2. The customer is a consumer within the meaning of Art. 1 Bst. b KSchG
– hereinafter referred to as “consumer or consumers”.
1.3. Only consumers of legal age may place an order. Parents are liable for their children.
1.4. We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions from time to time without notice. The version of the terms and conditions that applies to the consumer’s order is the version that was sent in the invoice email at the time the order was placed.
1.5. Medicross provides services exclusively on the basis of these General Terms and Conditions. Any conflicting terms and conditions of the Consumer shall not apply unless Medicross expressly agrees to their applicability in writing.
1.6. Individuelle Abreden zwischen Medicross und dem Konsumenten haben Vorrang vor diesen Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingung
1.7. The procedures, methods or device models used by Medicross belong to the field of complementary medicine.
1.8. Medicross bietet ausschließlich Dienstleistungen an, die auf komplementären und alternativen Methoden beruhen. Diese ersetzen keine in-vitro Diagnostik oder eine medizinische Diagnose durch ein schulmedizinisches Labor oder einen Arzt. Sämtliche Testergebnisse stellen weder Heil- noch Wirkversprechen dar und dienen nicht zur Erkennung, Behandlung, Heilung oder Vorbeugung von Krankheiten. Medicross weist ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass die Testverfahren wissenschaftlich nicht im Sinne der Schulmedizin anerkannt sind und keine in-vitro Diagnostik ist. Entscheidungen über die Nutzung der Testergebnisse obliegen allein der Verantwortung des Konsumenten.
§ 2 Subject matter of the contract
2.1. Mit dem Abschluss des Vertrages erhält der Konsument einen Link zum Einsendeformular als PDF-Dokument per E-Mail. Dieses Formular stellt einen wesentlichen und digitalen Bestandteil der vereinbarten Dienstleistung dar. Die Leistungserbringung durch Medicross beginnt mit der zur Verfügung und gesendeten Mail, in der der Download des Formulars möglich ist.
Before concluding the contract, the consumer was expressly informed that by downloading the submission form, which is to be regarded as digital content, the right of withdrawal expires in accordance with Art. 16 lit. m of the EU Consumer Rights Directive. By downloading the form, the consumer declares that he waives the right of withdrawal.
In accordance with Section 8, Medicross tests the sample material submitted by the consumer and provides the test results in the form of PDF documents. The test results will be sent exclusively to the e-mail address provided by the consumer.
The consumer undertakes to pay the agreed amount for the test service performed and for any optional additional services booked. The amount is due in accordance with the conditions specified in the contract or order.
2.2. Furthermore, and only at the express request of the consumer, Medicross mediates orders for the production of individual nutritional formulas to our partner pharmacy. In this case, Medicross does not become a contractual partner of the Consumer.
2.2.a. Individual nutritional formulas are always excluded from the right of withdrawal because they cannot be sold elsewhere due to their individuality. Further information can be found in § 7.
The shipping costs vary depending on the shipping country:
The cost for Switzerland is €12.50
The cost for Germany is €5.00.
Shipping within Austria is free of charge.
The partner pharmacy is responsible for invoicing with a payment term of up to 7 days.
Die Dan Group erbringt eine Ernährungs- oder Fastenberatung (nachfolgend Berater genannt) ausschließlich auf Grundlage dieser Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen. Conflicting terms and conditions of the consumer shall not apply unless the consultant expressly agrees to their validity. The scope of services includes individual telephone advice on the consumer’s dietary habits as part of the nutritional advice.
§ 3 Conclusion of contract
3.1. The Consumer orders one of the offered services on the website by selecting it, going through the further ordering process and completing it by activating the button labeled “Buy Now”. The contract is concluded when Medicross sends the required documents and forms as well as the order confirmation by e-mail.
3.2. Die Bezahlung der Dienstleistung erfolgt unmittelbar nach Vertragsschluss per Vorkasse mit einem von dem Konsumenten ausgewählten Zahlungsmittel.
The following payment methods are available to consumers: Paypal, credit card, instant bank transfer, iDeal, Grio, Apple Pay, Google Pay. Payment for nutritional counseling is made prior to the consultation via bank transfer or PayPal.
3.3. By concluding the contract, the consumer assures the accuracy of the personal data within the ordering process. The consumer is responsible for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information provided. If any information is untrue or incorrect, Medicross shall not be liable for any consequential damages.
3.4. With the conclusion of the contract, Medicross may assume that the consumer is aware of the necessary contract details, as well as the test execution. In this respect, no liability is assumed for damages resulting from ignorance on the part of the consumer.
3.5. Medicross gift cards or coupon codes are non-refundable and cannot be combined with any other discount promotions, cash back is not available. Misuse or multiple redemption of a gift card or coupon codes may result in criminal prosecution. Medicross gift cards or vouchers are valid for 2 years from the date of purchase.
3.6. If the consumer is in default of payment, Medicross reserves the right to charge reasonable reminder fees as damages for default. The consumer is permitted to prove that a lower loss or no loss at all has been incurred.
3.7. The consumer has the right to redeem the service within one year from the date of purchase. After that, the claim expires.
§ 4 Submission
4.1. After conclusion of the contract, the consumer receives a submission sheet as a PDF by e-mail for self-printing, on which information about the person, previous or parallel tests and the type of test purchased must be provided. No physical products such as test kits or similar are shipped to consumers for sustainability reasons. The EU consumer sends this submission form together with his sample material to Medicross in Germany to the following address:
Heuriedweg 20
88131 Lindau (Bodensee)
Consumers from Switzerland and Liechtenstein and outside the EU to the following address:
Herrengasse 30
9490 Vaduz
4.2. The effort as well as the costs around the shipment of the sample material to Medicross are borne by the consumer.
4.3. We recommend sending the sample material by registered mail to ensure tracking via a tracking number. If a speedy delivery by the shipping service provider is important to you, we recommend sending the sample by express.
4.4. When analyzing hair samples and interpreting the results, many special features must be taken into account compared to the analysis of other biological materials, due to the type (solid) and heterogeneity of the matrix, stability of analytes and possible influences during sample preparation. As the collection of a hair sample is non-invasive, it does not need to be taken by a doctor or healthcare professional.
4.5. The sample must be clearly and completely labeled.
4.6. If possible, the hair samples should be taken from the occipital protuberance and directly from the scalp in a suitable quantity, preferably from a strand of hair.
4.7. Ideally, the strand of hair should be secured with a thread before cutting to prevent the segments from shifting.
4.8. Alternatively, body hair (such as armpit, beard, pubic or chest hair) can also be removed.
4.9. A suitable form must be chosen for storage and shipping, such as filter paper as the primary packaging material in an envelope.
4.10. Hair samples must be properly transported at normal room temperature, dry and protected from light, and stored before or after testing. Cooling or freezing should be avoided to protect the material from moisture. Moisture and crystal formation can lead to decomposition of analytes and matrix.
§ 5 Test execution
5.1. The services provided by Medicross include the following obligations:
A. the sending of all necessary documents for carrying out the test (order confirmation, submission form, instructions, link to the questionnaire) by e-mail to the e-mail address provided by the consumer.
B. the receipt of the sample material and the analysis as part of the ordered service.
C. the creation of a result as a PDF document and sending it by e-mail, the professional destruction of the consumer’s sample material immediately after the analysis.
5.2. The consumer’s services include the following obligations:
A. payment of the agreed amount.
B. the correct completion of the questionnaire.
C. the submission of the sample material together with the submission form to Medicross.
5.3. In particular, the completion and submission of the questionnaire/sample material is the responsibility of the consumer. Medicross does not provide individual tracking and reminders to perform the service. The result will be sent to the e-mail address stored in the questionnaire or, in some circumstances, the order.
5.4. The Medicross service includes the analysis of the consumer’s submitted sample material with regard to certain parameters. A value is determined for each parameter.
5.5. Für die Tests wird ein zertifiziertes und registriertes Gerät nach der Klasse IIa der EU-Medizinprodukteverordnung EN 13485 verwendet, eine Konformitätsbescheinigung liegt vor. The procedures, methods or device models used by Medicross belong to the field of complementary directions. Within the special therapy directions, our measurement procedure is recognized as a proven diagnostic method. In conventional medicine, on the other hand, our measurement method is not the subject of scientific research. The measurement procedure on which the test is based is not subject to complete reproducibility and is not recognized or certified by conventional medical authorities.
§ 6 Test results
6.1. Test results are provided in the form of PDF documents. The result contains approximate values and color visualizations. Consumers have the opportunity to view an example of a result before placing their order.
A. In the case of incompatibility tests, all parameters that have not reacted above a threshold value are hidden.
B. The intolerance test does NOT include testing for allergies.
If the consumer is interested in testing for allergies, the use of an additional medical service is recommended.
C. The analysis of the micronutrients shows a requirement as a percentage value, which is to be understood as a guide value.
It is expressly stated that these are not deficiency symptoms.
If the consumer is interested in testing for deficiency symptoms, the use of a medical service is recommended.
6.2. Die Erstellung und Übermittlung eines Ergebnisses erfolgt per E-Mail innerhalb von bis zu 18 Arbeitstagen nach dem Eingang des Probenmaterials bei Medicross.
The consumer is responsible for classifying Medicross as a trusted sender in their email program.
If messages from Medicross are assigned to the spam folder, this is nevertheless considered as receipt of the test result.
6.3. Wählt der Konsument die bevorzugte Express-Eil Option i.H.v. 8,90 Euro (Brutto), so ist die vereinbarte Bearbeitungszeit 3 Arbeitstage ab Eintreffen der Probe bei Medicross.
6.4. Medicross behält sich vor, die Auswertungen 12 Monate nach dem Versenden zu löschen. Der Konsument wird darauf hingewiesen, dass er seine persönlichen Auswertungen selbst speichern muss.
Medicross is not liable for the loss of the evaluations.
§ 7 Individual nutrient formula
7.1. Based on the results of a micronutrient test, an individual nutrient formula can be produced for the consumer.
7.2. If a consumer orders an individual nutrient formula in capsule form, Medicross will forward this order, including the personal data necessary for the processing of the contract, to the partner pharmacy. The conclusion and execution of the contract shall take place between the partner pharmacy and the consumer.
§ 8 Warranty and liability
8.1. The consumer’s withdrawal period depends on his or her place of residence.
Consumers residing within the EU are entitled to the statutory 14-day right of withdrawal.
Consumers residing in the UK are entitled to the statutory 14-day right of withdrawal.
Consumers residing in the US and Canada have a 14-day right of withdrawal.
Consumers residing in Switzerland or Liechtenstein are entitled to the statutory 14-day right of withdrawal.
The cancellation period for countries not mentioned above is based on the statutory cancellation period.
If none is available, consumers have a right of withdrawal within 24 hours.
To exercise the right of withdrawal, the withdrawal must be declared to Medicross. The declaration must clearly indicate that the contract is to be withdrawn.
The revocation period begins with the conclusion of the contract.
To meet the deadline, it is sufficient to send the revocation before the expiry of the revocation period.
The revocation must be declared in writing in the form of a letter or email.
It is not effective to communicate this via the telephone service.
For further information please refer to the cancellation policy.
However, the right of withdrawal expires prematurely if the consumer requests the immediate commencement of the service or if the service has already been provided.
If the consumer cancels the contract beyond the provision of the service, the consumer owes compensation for the value of the service provided to date.
The consumer expressly agrees that by downloading the submission form his right of withdrawal expires prematurely.
The value replacement generally corresponds to the pro rata remuneration for services already rendered in relation to the total scope of services provided for in the contract.
As soon as the consumer has sent his sample or Medicross has been delivered, the right of withdrawal expires prematurely.
Further information can be found in the Medicross withdrawal policy.
8.2. No liability is assumed for the postal route. If a shipment is lost/missing or cannot be located through the fault of the carrier, another sample may be sent for analysis after consultation with Medicross. For this purpose, reference is made to § 4/4.2. referred.
8.3. The Medicross result does not replace medical treatment or diagnosis by a physician. It is not a medical device. The consumer decides on his own responsibility about the use of test results.
8.4. Results from different forms of analysis, such as blood, feces, sputum, may diverge due to the different and complex methods used. A comparison of different forms of analysis
cannot be carried out or interchanged, as the procedures are in different areas.
8.5. Medicross is not obligated to perform tests again using a previously submitted endogenous substance.
8.6. Medicross is liable for personal injury and financial loss only if such injury or loss was caused by a breach of duty on the part of Medicross and Medicross is responsible for the breach of duty. Medicross is not liable if there was contributory negligence on the part of the consumer in causing the damage.
8.7. Der Konsument kann den Termin für die Ernährungsberatung bis zu 24 Stunden vor dem vereinbarten Termin kostenlos stornieren oder verschieben. For further information, please refer to 9.5.
8.8. The Consultant shall be liable for personal injury and financial loss only if such injury or loss is caused by a breach of duty on the part of Dan Group and Dan Group is responsible for such breach of duty. Dan Group shall not be liable if the consumer was partly to blame for the damage. The information resulting from the nutritional advice is not a substitute for medical treatment or diagnosis by a physician/doctor. This is not medical advice. The consumer is responsible for deciding how to use the information.
Der Telefondienst steht lediglich nur für allgemeine Auskünfte und Informationen zur Verfügung, jedoch nicht für Stornierungen oder Ähnliches.
Diese bedürfen stets der Schriftform.
The telephone service is not liable for its incorrect statements.
It is generally recommended to send your concerns by email to [email protected].
8.10. Medicross assumes no liability for the technical requirements of the Consumer for downloading the submission form, the evaluation, or the like. The consumer expressly agrees that this is his/her own responsibility. Should complications arise, the consumer can contact customer service ([email protected]) by email to find a joint solution.
§ 9 Fees without revocation
9.1. If the payment method PayPal is selected, the consumer shall bear the Paypal administration fees in the amount of EUR 15.00 in the event of an unjustified claim to PayPal buyer protection.
9.2. If the consumer revokes the previously selected SEPA direct debit mandate, the consumer shall bear the return debit charges incurred in the amount of €20.67.
9.3. If the consumer makes an unlawful chargeback of the payment via STRIPE (credit card), a processing fee of €25 will be charged.
9.4. The costs for the reminder fees are as follows for the Eurozone:
1st reminder 5€.
2nd reminder 8€.
3rd reminder 12€.
4th reminder 15€.
For further information please refer to Section 10.
9.5. In case of cancellation or postponement of the nutritional counseling appointment within 24 hours before the scheduled appointment, the consultant reserves the right to charge 50% of the counseling fee.
§10 Assignment
Medicross behält sich vor, alle Forderungen abzutreten.
Das Inkasso Büro erhält in solchen Fällen alle nötigen persönlichen Daten von Medicross, die erforderlich sind, um eine Forderung einzuziehen.
For the collection of receivables, personal data such as name, address, telephone and or e-mail address are collected.
Cell phone number required. Medicross will only provide this to the collection agency if it is required and necessary.
If necessary, the debt collection company will use this data to contact the consumer.
10.3. In addition, there are fees of €60 for debt collection, as well as the individual fees of the debt collection company.
Fees for countries outside the eurozone are converted at the current exchange rate.
This applies to all fees mentioned, see 9.4.
Gemäß Art. 17 Abs.
1 DSGVO werden die Daten gelöscht, wenn diese nicht mehr für den Inkassofall erforderlich sind.
§ 11 Data protection
11.1. All tests are performed by Medicross itself.
11.2. Medicross will use data of the consumer for order processing and store it until the legal retention periods expire. For more information, see the information on data protection.
11.3. Medicross professionally destroys the consumer’s own body substance immediately after the test results have been generated, in the sense of data minimization.
11.4. The consumer is not permitted to publish or forward excerpts (direct or indirect quotes) from the communication traffic between the consumer and Medicross, unless the company has given its consent.
Within the scope of service provision by Medicross, personal information may be processed in accordance with the requirements of freedom of expression.
Criminal acts are excluded from this.
11.5. The Consultant undertakes to treat all information and data of the Client as confidential and to use it only for the consulting services. The consultant does not pass on any personal data of the consumer to third parties.
11.6. Nach der Bestellung sendet Medicross über CusRev (einer unabhängigen Drittanbieter-Organisation) eine Anfrage, um die Bestellung zu bewerten. This request is revocable at any time, even before sending the email.
11.7. Weitere Informationen zur Verarbeitung der personenbezogenen Daten sind auf der Website von Medicross unter Datenschutzerklärung zu finden und aufrufbar.
§ 12 Nutrition and fasting advice
12.1. Der Leistungsumfang beinhaltet im Rahmen der Beratung eine individuelle telefonische Beratung zu den Ernährungsgewohnheiten des Konsumenten.
12.2. Die Beratung erfolgt auf Basis der Informationen, die der Konsument im Rahmen des Beratungsgesprächs zur Verfügung stellt.
12.3. The consultant makes no promises of a cure. The customer is responsible for the implementation of the consulting results.
§ 13 Retention of title
All intellectual property rights, e.g. trademarks, remain with DAN Group GmbH or its licensees.
The use of its content, including the copying and saving of content in whole or in part, except for personal, non-commercial purposes, is not permitted without the permission of Medicross.
§ 14 Final provisions
14.1 Even if individual clauses are legally invalid, the remaining parts of the contract shall remain valid.
14.2. The law of Liechtenstein shall apply to all legal relationships between the parties.
14.3. The place of jurisdiction is the registered office of Dan Group GmbH – Medicross, unless consumers residing in the European Union have the statutory right to bring an action in their place of residence in the event of a dispute.
14.4. Zusätzlich verzichtet der Konsument zudem auf das Recht, sich an Sammelklagen zu beteiligen.
Vaduz, 07.01.2025