Micronutrient test
Your micronutrient requirements vary depending on your stage of life and circumstances. If this is not covered by your diet, this can lead to an imbalance in the long term.
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72 micronutrients tested
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What are micronutrients?
Micronutrients include vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other essential substances that support vital functions such as energy metabolism or immune defense. Unlike macronutrients, such as carbohydrates or fats, micronutrients are not about energy, but about regulation. As your body cannot produce most of them itself, you need a balanced diet with plenty of amino acids, trace elements and vitamins to cover your needs.
We test on over 70 Micronutrients
Amino acids
Amino acids
Amino acids are chemical compounds that can be strung together to form long chains and thus form the basic structure of proteins. They are found in all living things and are responsible for various vital functions in the human body. Part of the amino acids can be produced by the body itself and therefore they are classified as non-essential. The essential amino acids, on the other hand, are indispensable and must be taken in regularly with food.
Tested materials:Creatine, GABA, Glycine, Glutathione, L-Alanine, L-Arginine, L-asparagine, L-Cysteine, L-Citrulline, L-Phenylalanine, L-Glutamine, L-Histidine, L-isoleucine, L-Leucine, L-lysine, L-Methionine, L-ornithine, L-Proline, L-serine, L-Theanine, L-threonine, L-Tyrosine, L-tryptophan, L-valine
Vitamins & Vitaminoids
Vitamins & Vitaminoids
Vitamins are organic compounds and unlike other nutrients, vitamins do not provide energy. They are substances that the body itself cannot synthesize (with the exception of vitamin D). Therefore, they are considered essential for humans, as they must be ingested with food. Vitaminoids are vitamin-like substances that includes a number of different substances and metabolites. They were all initially assigned to the group of vitamins until it was discovered that the body can synthesize them itself. They thus belong to the conditionally essential nutrients, since in the case of illness or certain metabolic conditions, it may be possible that their own synthesis does not cover the daily requirement.
Tested materials:Vit A, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vit C, Choline, Coenzyme Q10, Vit D, Vit E, Inositol, L-Carnitine, Taurine, Vit B1, Vit B10 (PABA), Vit B12, Vit B15 (pangamic acid), Vit B2, Vit B3, Vit B5, Vit B6, Vit B7, Vit B9, Vit K2
This refers to defined key figures of analytical results in the laboratory. They enable physicians and therapists to classify a measurement result into normal values and abnormal values.
Tested materials:Omega-3 fatty acids, FP-Detox, FP probiotics
Secondary plant substances
Secondary plant substances
Secondary plant compounds are natural chemical compounds in plants that are not essential nutrients . Nevertheless, they have a variety of positive effects on the human body and can prevent the development of various diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases or even cancer.
Tested materials:Astaxanthin, Beta-carotene, Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), Spermidine, Quercetin, Sulforaphane, Lutein, Resveratrol, Rutin
Minerals are essential nutrients that must be ingested through food and that the human body needs for numerous functions. Minerals are divided into bulk and trace elements. Quantitative elements are present in the body in relatively large quantities, while trace elements are present only in small quantities.
Tested materials:Copper, Iron, Calcium, Chrome, Zinc, Iodine, Potassium, Silicon, Magnesium, Manganese, Selenium
Enzymes are complex protein molecules that act as "accelerators" (also called biocatalysts) of biochemical reactions or metabolic processes in the human body. This means that they accelerate biochemical reactions by lowering the necessary activation energy.
Tested materials:Bromelain, Papain, Pepsin
How do your results look like?
You will receive a PDF document in which your possible increased requirements are listed clearly and in detail.
What influence do micronutrients have?
Physical changes
An increased need for micronutrients can throw the body out of balance and manifest itself in various warning signs. Symptoms such as tiredness, fatigue or digestive problems can indicate that certain nutrients are particularly important. Skin problems, hair loss and brittle nails can also be a sign of an increased need.
Typical symptoms:
- Constant tiredness
- Pale skin
- Hair loss
- Digestive problems
- Muscle cramps
Mental stress
Did you know that an increased need for micronutrients can also affect your mental health? An imbalance of nutrients can affect your mood and lead to irritability, anxiety and even depression.
Typical symptoms:
- Mood swings
- Concentration problems
- Persistent depression
- Sleep disorders
- Nervousness
Chronic complaints
An increased need for micronutrients can also manifest itself in chronic problems. Long-lasting symptoms such as joint pain or migraines should be seen as a signal to check your micronutrient balance. A targeted intake of nutrients can help to alleviate such symptoms.
Typical symptoms:
- Chronic fatigue
- Joint pain
- Migraine
- Muscle pain
- Rheumatic complaints

Around 30% of Germans do not cover their vitamin D requirements sufficiently.
According to the NDR article
In the winter months, experts recommend an additional vitamin D supplement, as many people suffer from a deficiency. Without supplementation, symptoms such as decreasing bone density and a weakened immune system could occur.
What factors influence your micronutrient requirements?
- An unbalanced diet, especially with processed foods, can lead to a lack of important micronutrients.
- The micronutrient balance can be improved through a diet that focuses on plant-based, unprocessed foods without preservatives and gentle preparation.
- Negative habits such as little sleep, smoking and excessive alcohol or coffee consumption have an unfavorable effect on the micronutrient balance.
- The regular consumption of stimulants can be partially offset by a diet rich in fruit and vegetables.
- High levels of physical or mental stress have a negative effect on many antioxidant micronutrients and minerals.
- Stress reactions can be regulated and the nutrient balance improved through relaxation exercises, sufficient sleep, abstaining from alcohol and tobacco and a balanced diet with a targeted micronutrient intake.
- Environmental influences such as UV radiation, harmful substances in food, air pollution or chemicals can have a negative impact on the micronutrient balance.
- Avoiding contaminated food, washing fruit and vegetables thoroughly, using organic products and taking in sufficient antioxidants can help to prevent contamination.
- Excessive sport, especially competitive sport, can greatly increase micronutrient requirements through increased mineral excretion, increased energy consumption and protein synthesis.
- The body can be adequately supplied with proteins, electrolytes, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants through targeted nutritional adaptation and supplementation.
- An unbalanced diet, especially with processed foods, can lead to a lack of important micronutrients.
- The micronutrient balance can be improved through a diet that focuses on plant-based, unprocessed foods without preservatives and gentle preparation.
- Negative habits such as little sleep, smoking and excessive alcohol or coffee consumption have an unfavorable effect on the micronutrient balance.
- The regular consumption of stimulants can be partially offset by a diet rich in fruit and vegetables.
- High levels of physical or mental stress have a negative effect on many antioxidant micronutrients and minerals.
- Stress reactions can be regulated and the nutrient balance improved through relaxation exercises, sufficient sleep, abstaining from alcohol and tobacco and a balanced diet with a targeted micronutrient intake.
- Environmental influences such as UV radiation, harmful substances in food, air pollution or chemicals can have a negative impact on the micronutrient balance.
- Avoiding contaminated food, washing fruit and vegetables thoroughly, using organic products and taking in sufficient antioxidants can help to prevent contamination.
- Excessive sport, especially competitive sport, can greatly increase micronutrient requirements through increased mineral excretion, increased energy consumption and protein synthesis.
- The body can be adequately supplied with proteins, electrolytes, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants through targeted nutritional adaptation and supplementation.
4 steps to your result
Step 1
Order test
Order your test online and print the submission sheet
Step 2
Cut off strand
Cut a small strand of hair and wrap it securely.
Step 3
Send hair sample
Send us your hair sample together with the submission form by mail.
Step 4
Result received
You will receive your result in 3 to 18 working days.
What our customers say

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Frequently asked questions
Why are micronutrients so important?
Micronutrients are essential for the body and support functions such as energy metabolism and immune defense. A high requirement can lead to symptoms such as tiredness. As the body usually cannot produce them itself, a balanced diet is important.
Difference between micro- and macronutrients
Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals that the body needs in small quantities. Macronutrients are proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which are needed for energy and the development of body tissues.
Important micronutrients and their functions
Vitamins such as vitamin C support the immune system, while B vitamins promote energy metabolism. Minerals such as iron are important for oxygen transport in the blood, and zinc contributes to wound healing and skin health. A balanced supply of these nutrients is crucial for general well-being and bodily functions.
Signs of increased micronutrient requirements
Possible signs of an increased micronutrient requirement can be constant tiredness, concentration problems, frequent infections, brittle nails, hair loss and dry skin. Muscle cramps, irritability or persistent fatigue can also indicate that the body needs additional micronutrients.
Difference between micronutrient requirement vs. deficiency
Micronutrient requirements are the amount of vitamins and minerals that the body needs to function optimally. It varies depending on age, gender, physical activity and living conditions. An increased requirement does not necessarily mean a deficiency. This only occurs if the body is not supplied with sufficient amounts over a longer period of time. This can lead to symptoms such as tiredness and weakened immune function, often caused by an inadequate diet or illness. We test the micronutrient requirement, not for a deficiency.
Tips for better micronutrient intake
A balanced diet of fresh, unprocessed foods is important for optimal micronutrient intake. Combine nutrient-rich ingredients such as fruit, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats. Be sure to vary meals to get a wide range of vitamins and minerals. Drinking enough water and minimizing stress-related influences also supports nutrient absorption.
How does the ordering process work?
You can order our tests quickly and easily in our online shop order. Select the test you want, add it to your shopping cart and follow the instructions to checkout. After completing your order, you will receive a confirmation email with further information about the process. Visit our website regularly to make sure you don’t miss out on the latest offers and exclusive discounts.
Are the tests also available for pets?
Yes, our tests are also available for pets. We offer specially developed tests that are tailored to the needs of pets. Visit our webshop to find out more.
How many hairs are needed for the test?
We need 10-20 hairs from you, whereby the hair length does not matter. It is important that the hair is clean and dry. Alternatively, other body hair can be used if head hair is not available.
Use of dyed hair
Dyed or chemically treated hair has no influence on the test result and can be used.
Support and help with my results
Our results are structured in such a way that you can understand them easily and without much effort. If you still have any questions, you can contact us at any time by e-mail or telephone. Our nutritionist is also available to you at any time and will be happy to help you find the diet best suited to you and your needs. You can easily book a consultation here.
What test options are available?
We offer three test options:
Micronutrient test: Get a result of your personal micronutrient requirements, such as vitamins, amino acids and enzymes.
Intolerance test: Find out which foods and substances have shown a high reaction.
Combination test: Includes our micronutrient test and intolerance test.
Prices and all further information about our tests can be found in our online store. [Click here to go to our store] We also offer these options for pets.
Important information
We would like to expressly point out that the results of our tests and all content on our website www.medicross.com should not be regarded as a substitute for professional medical advice or medical treatment. Neither our tests nor the information on our website should be interpreted as a promise of a cure. Our micronutrient test determines the individual need of micronutrients, but not the existence of a deficiency. Our intolerance test shows possible reactions to certain substances and foods, but not the presence of an allergy. allergy. The information provided is not suitable for independent diagnoses or medical measures such as self-medication or the discontinuation of medication and may only be used after consultation with a doctor. Diagnoses and treatment decisions are the sole responsibility of doctors. We assume no liability for financial or personal damages resulting from independent decisions or actions. Each person is responsible for their own actions. All product images and illustrations on our website are for symbolic purposes only.
Holistic support
Complementary medicine supplements conventional treatments and focuses on the whole organism. Various naturopathic methods and modern approaches offer support for body and mind. Our results are based on complementary medical methods.
Which method is used for testing?
We use a computerized method to generate your results. The device is EU-certified as a Class IIa medical device in accordance with Directive 93/42/EEC and EN ISO 13485. Important: Your results are not intended for self-medication, do not constitute a promise of cure and do not replace medical advice.
Questions about micronutrients
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Micronutrient test
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